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The Gabinete was to contain what were called materi.a medica - mineral, plant and animal specimens possessing medical properties.
وحدد جدول أعمال الإصلاح الاجتماعي 17 مقاطعة منها، فيما اختارت المقاطعات الخمس الأخرى اللجنةَ الرئاسيةَ المعنيةَ بمكافحة الفقر.
When UST was setting up its Faculty of Medicine, it had to comply with the prerequisite that it included a Gabinete de Fisica.
ويقوم المشروع المساعدة التقنية والمالية للمؤسسات الحكومية المحلية على تشييد الأبنية المدرسية وتأهيلها في مقاطعات البلد المحرومة.
The Legal Advisory Office for Popular Organizations (acronym GAJOP in Portuguese, for Gabinete de Assessoria Jurídica às Organizações Populares) is a NGO created in 1981 in Recife, State of Pernambuco, Brazil.
مكتب المشورة القانونية للمنظمات الشعبية منظمة غير حكومية أُنشئت عام 1981 في ريسيفي في ولاية بيرنامبوكو بالبرازيل.
In 2008, the Council of Ministers approved the Organic Law of SEPI, No.16/2008, which established SEPI's mandate more widely, when we compare with SEPI's predecessor, the Gabinete Promosaun Igualidade, or the Cabinet for the Promotion of Equality (GAPI).
وفي عام 2008 أقر مجلس الوزراء القانون الأساسي لوزارة الدولة لتعزيز المساواة رقم 16/2008، الذي وسَّع سلطات الوزارة بالمقارنة مع سلطات المجلس الاستشاري لتعزيز المساواة الذي حلت الوزارة محله.
Pursuant to article 30 of Act no. 3/97 of 13 March, the “Gabinete Central de Prevencao e Combate a Droga-Central Office for Prevention and Combat of Drugs” must submit annual reports on illicit drug trafficking to international bodies, chiefly the United Nations institutions.
وعملا بالمادة 30 من القانون رقم 3/97، المؤرخ 13 آذار/مارس، يتعين على “المكتب المركزي لمنع المخدرات ومكافحتها” أن يقدم تقارير سنوية بشأن الاتجار بالمخدرات إلى هيئات دولية في مقدمتها مؤسسات الأمم المتحدة.
For example, in Brazil the witness protection programme began as a project of the non-governmental organization Gabinete de Assessoria Jurídica às Organizações Populares (GAJOP) and was subsequently developed into a programme that involves both government agencies and a number of non-governmental organization partners.
فعلى سبيل المثال، بدأ برنامج حماية الشهود في البرازيل كمشروع تنفذه منظمة Gabinete de Assessoria Jurídica às Organizações Populares غير الحكومية، وتطور بعد ذلك إلى برنامج يشمل كلا من الوكالات الحكومية وعدد من الشركاء من المنظمات غير الحكومية.
Agência Brasileira de Inteligência do Gabinete de Segurança Institucional da Presidência da República (“ABIN”) / Brazilian Intelligence Agency of the Institutional Security Cabinet of the Presidency of the Republic; Advocacia-Geral da União (“AGU”) / Republic General Attorney Office; Banco Central do Brasil (“BACEN”) / Central Bank of Brazil; Casa Civil da Presidência da República (“Casa Civil”) / Civil Cabinet for the Presidency of the Republic; Controladoria-Geral da União (“CGU”) / General Comptroller Office of the Republic; Conselho de Controle de Atividades Financeiras do Ministério da Fazenda (“COAF”) / Council for Financial Activities Control of the Ministry of Finance; Conselho da Justiça Federal (“CJF”) / Federal Justice Council; Departamento de Polícia Federal do Ministério da Justiça (“DPF”) / Federal Police Department of the Ministry of Justice; Departamento de Polícia Rodoviária Federal do Ministério da Justiça (“DPRF”) / Federal Highway Police Department of the Ministry of Justice; Departamento de Recuperação de Ativos e Cooperação Jurídica Internacional do Ministério da Justiça (“DRCI”) / Assets Recovery and International Mutual Legal Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Justice; Gabinete de Segurança Institucional da Presidência da República (“GSI”) / Institutional Security Cabinet of the Presidency of the Republic; Instituto Nacional de Seguridade Social (“INSS”) / National Social Security Institute; Ministério Público Federal (“MPF”) / Federal Public Prosecutor Office; Ministério das Relações Exteriores (“MRE”) / Ministry of Foreign Relations; Procuradoria-Geral da Fazenda Nacional do Ministério da Fazenda (“PGFN”) / Attorney General Office for the National Treasury of the Ministry of Finance; Secretaria de Direito Econômico do Ministério da Justiça (“SDE”) / Economic Law Office of the Ministry of Justice; Secretaria de Previdência Complementar do Ministério da Previdência Social (“SPC”) / Complementary Social Security Office of the Ministry of Social Security; Secretaria Nacional Antidrogas do Gabinete de Segurança Institucional da Presidência da República (“SENAD”) / National Anti-Drug Office of the Institutional Security Cabinet of the Presidency of the Republic; Secretaria Nacional de Justiça do Ministério da Justiça (“SNJ”) / National Office of Justice of the Ministry of Justice; Secretaria Nacional de Segurança Pública do Ministério da Justiça (“SENASP”) / National Public Security Office of the Ministry of Justice; Secretaria da Receita Federal do Ministério da Fazenda (“SRF”) / Federal Tax and Revenue Office of the Ministry of Finance; Tribunal de Contas da União (“TCU”) / Federal Court of Audit.
- وكالة الاستخبارات البرازيلية التابعة لديوان الأمن المؤسسي التابع لرئاسة الجمهورية