unsettled [ more unsettled ; most unsettled ]
  • Unsettling results.
    نتائج متقلّبة
  • It's unsettling.
    ذلك مقلق
  • The legend is unsettling.
    الأسطورة تزعزع.
  • The legend is unsettling.
    الأسطورة مشكوك بها
  • It's oddly unsettling.
    !أوه، ياللهي
  • That's somewhat unsettling.
    ذلك يتزعزع بعض الشئ
  • And they'll be unsettled
    ووقتها لن يكونوا مركزين
  • Unsettling. It felt weird.
    مقلقاً كان يبدو غريباً -
  • -Well, it's very unsettling.
    أنه مقلق جدا
  • See, that's unsettling.
    لم تحلل شيئاً