  • Considering the location of the crash... recovery of victims' bodies should be considered extremely unlikely.
    بإعتبار الموقع التحطّم الذي يحتوي أجسام الضحايا ليس محدداً بالضبط
  • An amount of $700,000 has been retained in the Mission's account to cover the cost of the examination, as soon as conditions on the ground permit, of crash sites and recovery of two United Nations aircraft.
    وقد احتفظ بمبلغ قدره 000 700 دولار في حساب البعثة لتغطية تكلفة القيام، حالما تسمح الظروف في أرض الميدان بذلك، بفحص مواقع تحطم طائرتين تابعتين للأمم المتحدة وانتشالهما.
  • The increase of $3,252,700 under this heading is primarily attributable to the extension of the logistical support service contract, owing to delays in the disposition of the Mission's assets ($2,037,400), as well as for security services ($257,500) required after the departure in August and November 1999 of its military security detachments, and additional requirements for services related to the examination of crash sites and recovery of the two United Nations-chartered aircraft shot down in the central highlands in December 1998 and January 1999 ($750,700 for the rental and transportation from South Africa of a heavy-lift self-propelled crane and a hydraulic backhoe).
    يعزى النقصان البالغ 000 101 دولار تحت هذا البند إلى أن التكاليف الفعلية لنقل المعدات المملوكة للوحدات كانت أقل من التقديرات المدرجة في الميزانية.