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Allora, che complimento le farai per "The Roaring Junior"?
أن مهبلي زهرةً
♪ Far over the misty mountains cold ♪ ♪ To dungeons deep ♪ ♪ And caverns old ♪ ♪ We must away ♪ ♪ 'Ere break of day ♪ ♪ To find our long-forgotten gold ♪ ♪ The pines were roaring on the height ♪ ♪ The winds were moaning in the night ♪ ♪ The fire was red, it flaming spread ♪ ♪ The trees like torches ♪ ♪ Blazed with light ♪♪
‘‘بعيدًا، نحو برودة الجبال الضبابية’’ ‘‘عميقًا نحو الملاجئ’’ ‘‘والكهوف القديمة’’