I'd round us all up, stick us in a lab on some island in the middle of the ocean.
في جزيرة وسطالمحيط
Look, if no one made compromises, there'd be no mosque in the church. Besides, the Muslims throwing the Anglicans a Christmas party in the mosque in their church, makes sense in a funny kind of way.
وسطمحيط من "اللاتسامح"؟
He's in the ocean?!
إنه في وسطالمحيط ؟
The central pacific?
وسطالمحيط الهادئ؟
We're on an island in the middle of the ocean during a hurricane.
, في وسطالمحيط خلال الإعصار
- We are on an island, in the middle of the ocean, during a hurricane.
, في وسطالمحيط خلال الإعصار
. . .out here in the middle of the big, beautiful Pacific Ocean.
بالخارج هناك في الوسطالمحيط الهادىء الجميل
Record the temperature and relative humidity of the environment;