Aucune traduction exact pour "لا علاقة له"

Traduire anglais arabe لا علاقة له

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les exemples
  • He's got nothing to do with this.
    لا علاقة له بهذا .
  • He has nothing to do with this!
    !لا علاقة له بهذا
  • - That is separate from it.
    هذا لا علاقة له
  • It's not about him!
    لا علاقة له بالأمر
  • It has nothing to do with it.
    لا علاقة له بذلك
  • It doesn't enter into the story.
    لا علاقة له بالقصة
  • Your opinion isn't relevant here.
    رأيك لا علاقة له
  • It has nothing to do with him.
    .لا علاقة له به
  • Nothing to do with me.
    لا علاقة له بي
  • That's kind of a non-sequitur.
    هذا لا علاقة له