Aucune traduction exact pour "ذراع الحِمل"

Traduire anglais arabe ذراع الحِمل

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les exemples
  • I remember... ...the joy of holding him in my arms.
    بهجة حملة في ذراعي ..
  • He held her in his arms, raised her up.
    حملها في ذراعيه، رفعها فوق.
  • Hey, okay. Stop holding my arm.
    يا، حسناً. توقّف عن حمل ذراعي
  • And he held her in his arms, raised her up, heard her laugh, so full of trust.
    حملها في ذراعيه، رفعها فوق. حبّ صغير .
  • I was the first one to hold her.
    .كنت أول من حملها بين ذراعيه
  • They dislocated because his arms weren't capable of lifting so much.
    لقد أنخلعا لأن ذراعيه غير قادرة على حمل الوزن
  • You won't have to carry the old bugger for much longer.
    لَن تضطر إلى حمل هذا الذراع لوقت طول
  • He met and took into his arms a four-year-old girl who had been raped by soldiers on 16 November 2004, the day before he arrived.
    والتقى وحمل على ذراعيه فتاة تبلغ من العمر أربع سنوات اغتصبها عسكريون في 16 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 2004 عشية وصوله.
  • MONUC obtained a number of first-hand witness accounts of the attack. The father of one victim reported how his son was killed, his body mutilated and his head and arms brandished around the town.
    وحصلت البعثة على إفادات عدد من شهود العيان وبينهم أب لضحية روى كيف قُتل ابنه وكيف جرى التمثيل بجثته وحمل رأسه وذراعيه والطواف في جميع أنحاء البلدة.
  • When Annabelle tells Leo how she feels and they kiss and then he sweeps her up in his arms and rides off with her on his motorcycle?
    عندما تخبر (آنابيل) (ليو) كيف تشعر و بعدها يقبلون بعضهم و بعدها حملها في ذراعيه و يأخذها و يركب على دراجته ؟