les exemples
  • The Netherlands entity, ePayment-Cuba, which acted as an electronic commerce payment gateway, announced in June 2005 that it was withdrawing from the business, since it was prohibited under the embargo from continuing to provide those services to Cuba. As a result, transactions were halted for three months, affecting sales to the tune of some $10 million.
    ومنذ اعتماد قرار الجمعية العامة هذا، ظلت حكومة السودان تضع هذه المسألة في صدارة النظام المتعدد الأطراف بهدف حشد التأييد لإلغاء جميع أشكال التدابير القسرية الاقتصادية الانفرادية المفروضة على البلدان النامية.