les exemples
  • As a critical care nurse, Najah Bazzy often has to counsel patients with terminal illnesses, like this Iraqi immigrant who has just been diagnosed with uterine cancer.
    كما تَمْشي خلال الباب وأنت رَأيتَني للمرة الأولى، كما أنت لَرُبَّمَا رَأى اليجاه.
  • As a critical care nurse, Najah Bazzy often has to counsel patients with terminal illnesses, like this Iraqi immigrant who has just been diagnosed with uterine cancer.
    بحكم عملها كممرضة فى الحالات الحرجة للامراض المزمنة كان على نجاح بازى أن تتعامل مع مثل هذه الحالات كهذا المهاجر العراقى