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Nineteen baseline and monitoring methodologies have been approved by the Board to date, of which the following four were approved during the reporting period covered by this addendum: AM0016: Greenhouse gas mitigation from improved animal waste management systems in confined animal feeding operations (source: NM0034 rev2) AM0017: Steam system efficiency improvements by replacing steam traps and returning condensate (source: NM0017 rev) AM0018: Steam optimization systems (source: NM0037 rev) AM0019: Renewable energy project activities replacing part of the electricity production of one single fossil-fuel-fired power plant that stands alone or supplies electricity to a grid, excluding biomass project activities (source: NM0053).
(د) AM0019: أنشطة مشاريع الطاقة المتجددة التي تحل محل جزء من إنتاج الكهرباء من منشأة واحدة لتوليد الكهرباء باستخدام الوقود الأحفوري تكون قائمة بذاتها أو تمدّ بالكهرباء شبكة كهربائية مركزية، باستثناء أنشطة مشاريع الكتلة الأحيائية (المصدر: NM0053).