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“Interesse do Menor (Children's Welfare), Revista Análise Psicólogica” (Psychological Analysis Review), Série IV, Nos. 3 and 4, pp. 461-483.
"Interesse do Menor (Children's Welfare), in "Revista Anلlise Psicologica " (Psychological Analysis Review), Série IV, Nos. 3 and 4, pp.
“Interesse do Menor (Children's Welfare), in “Revista Análise Psicológica” (Psychological Analysis Review), Série IV, Nos. 3 and 4, pp. 461 to 483.
“Interesse do Menor (Children's Welfare), in “Revista Anلlise Psicolَgica” (Psychological Analysis Review), Série IV, Nos. 3 and 4, pp. 461 to 483.
Specialized festivals include the “Tanec Praha” (Dance Prague) festival, focused on contemporary ballet and movement theatre, and the “Spectaculo Interesse” for professional puppet theatres.
وتتضمن المهرجانات المتخصصة مهرجان "الرقص في براغ" الذي يركز على رقص الباليه المعاصر والحركة في المسرح ومهرجان "الفرجة" لمسارح الدمى الاحترافية.