I'm a nutritionist, and my husband's with Ticketron.
أنا إخصائيةتغذية و زوجي موظف تذاكر
Perhaps I could refer you to a nutritionist?
ربما يمكن أن أحيلكِ إلى أخصائيتغذية؟
In addition to the community health nursing staff, the team of public health officers includes three district medical officers, a health promotion officer, a genetics counsellor, a nutritionist and a dietician.
وأخصائي في التغذية، وأخصائي في نظم التغذية الخاصة.
Would you go to a nutritionist if I could arrange it?
هل تذهبين إلى أخصائيتغذية إذا رتبت أنا لذلك؟
Would you go to a nutritionist If I could arrange it?