ejemplos de texto
  • Both men distancing themselves from the table now.
    كلا اللاعبين يبتعدان عن الطاولة الآن
  • From the table below distance to health facilities, unavailability of drugs and high treatment impact on women's access to health care facilities in higher proportions compared to men.
    ويتضح من الجدول أدناه أن المسافة إلى المرافق الصحية، وعدم توافر العقاقير وارتفاع تكلفة العلاج يؤثرون على وصول المرأة إلى مرافق الرعاية الصحية بنسب أعلى بالمقارنة بالرجل.
  • This is because of the differences in the surface area-to-volume ratio; Amount of exposed steel: if steel is exposed (in the case of tyre chips and shreds), there is a likelihood that the leaching of manganese and iron will be faster than that from whole tyres in which the steel is not exposed; Chemical environment: leaching of metals is likely to be more rapid under acidic conditions, while leaching of organic compounds is likely to be more rapid under basic conditions; Permeability of soil: leaching is likely to be faster when soils are permeable; Distance from groundwater table: the greater the vertical distance from the groundwater table, the less likely the contamination of groundwater; Distance from tyre storage site: the further the downstream distance from the tyre storage site, the lower the contaminant concentration in the soil and groundwater; Contact time with water: the longer the tyres are in contact with water, the greater the risk of groundwater contamination; Vertical water flow through soil: the greater the water flow through the soil (e.g., from rainfall), the greater the dilution of contaminants; Horizontal groundwater flow: the greater the groundwater flow, the greater the spread of the contaminant plume; and Leached compounds at site: levels of manganese and iron are higher in groundwater when steel is exposed.
    (ي) المركبات المغسولة في الموقع: تصبح مستويات المغنيسيوم والحديد مرتفعة في المياه الجوفية عند تعرض الفولاذ. وقد تكون مستويات الألومنيوم والزنك والمركبات العضوية مرتفعة في المياه الجوفية، ومستويات الزنك والكادميوم والرصاص مرتفعة في التربة.