ejemplos de texto
  • Do you have a plast\xA1c bag?
    هل معك حقيبه بلاستيكيه؟
  • In Sri Lanka, we have witnessed significant progress over the plast few months.
    ولقد شهدنا في سري لانكا تقدماً كبيراً أثناء الشهور القليلة الماضية.
  • She's gonna need Plast\xA1c, but that's the least of her worr\xA1es r\xA1ght now.
    ستحتاج إلى بلاستيك و لكن هذا أقل ما يجب أن تقلق من شأنه
  • We are also grateful, also for the statements that have been made here by so many delegations during the plast two days.
    ونحن نشعر أيضا بالامتنان للبيانات التي أدلت بها هنا وفود عديدة خلال اليومين الماضيين.
  • I just got a call from the plast surgeon and ey had a cancellation, so they can squeeze me in tomorrow morning.
    انا لقد وصلني الان اتصالاً من جراح التجميل لقد حدث لهم الغائاً في احد المواعيد لذا هم يستطيعون ادخالي في صباح الغد
  • I cannot fail to express our deep appreciation to Secretary-General Mr. Kofi Annan, who has for the plast six years has contributed through his experience, wisdom and perseverance to reasserting the standing of the Organization and the effectiveness of its role, and to strengthening the principles upon which the Charter was founded. He did all of that despite the inherent obstacles that were placed before him, either deliberately or unwittingly, by those ignorant of the primordial key role of the United Nations in providing victors and vanquished alike an opportunity to keep abreast of benefit from the developments of the age and to achieve the hopes and aspirations of their peoples to for a world that is safer and more just for all. I also wish to pay further tribute to the Secretary-General for the very courageous statement he made yesterday before the Assembly, a statement in which he demonstrated set out this his very clear vision in dealing with addressing and resolving the world's problems.
    ولا يفوتني أن أتقدم بتحية التقدير إلى السيد كوفي عنان الأمين العام الذي أسهم بخبرته وحكته ومثابرته خلال الأعوام الستة الماضية في السعي إلى تأكيد مكانة المنظمة وفعالية دورها وتثبيت المبادئ التي قام عليها الميثاق، وذلك رغم ما واجهه من عقبات وعوائق وضعت في طريقه عمدا أو جهلا بأن إعلاء شأن الأمم المتحدة هو إتاحة الفرصة للجميع - دون منتصر أو مهزوم - لمسايرة تطورات العصر وتحقيق آمال وطموحات كل الشعوب إلى عالم أكثر أمنا وعدالة للجميع.