ejemplos de texto
  • You can address me familiarly, ma'am.
    يمكنك أن تخاطبيني بالعامية، سيدتي
  • Ensuring the legal framework for child's rights and protecting them socially and familiarly.
    • تأمين الإطار القانوني لحقوق الطفل والارتقاء بها وحمايتها اجتماعياً وأسرياً.
  • He/she doesn't tell him/her that I addressed familiarly him.
    ...قال (دون) أني أستطيع أن لست متأكدة بالضبط كيف يتم الأمر
  • Whoever saw him unexpectedly was in awe of him and whoever associated with him familiarly loved him.
    كان كل من قابله فجأة لم يفزع منه وكان كل من يتصل به إجتماعيا يحبه
  • Whoever saw him unexpectedly was in awe of him and whoever associated with him familiarly loved him. Anyone who would describe him would say 'I never saw before him or after him the like of him.
    "قالَ، "عِنْدَهُ أُصبحُ a kahin، a عرّاف؟ "