ejemplos de texto
  • Being avaricious towards you. Then when fear comes, you would see them looking at you, (i.e., the Prophet) their eyes rolling like one who swoons of death; yet when the fear goes away, they flay you (i.e., the believers the pronoun is plural) with sharp tongues, being too avaricious to (give in) charity. Those have not (yet) believed, so Allah has frustrated their deeds; and that has been easy for Allah.
    أشحة عليكم فإذا جاء الخوف رأيتهم ينظرون إليك تدور أعينهم كالذي يغشى عليه من الموت فإذا ذهب الخوف سلقوكم بألسنة حداد أشحة على الخير أولئك لم يؤمنوا فأحبط الله أعمالهم وكان ذلك على الله يسيرا