ejemplos de texto
  • - Waste.
    هيا بنا - يا لها من خسارة -
  • A wasted day. Wasted?
    -يوم ضائع؟ -ضائع؟
  • Waste management. Radioactive wastes.
    إدارة النفايات؛ النفايات المشعة.
  • You're wasted. Wasted.
    أنت هزيل... هزيل
  • - A wasted day. - Wasted?
    يوم ضائع؟- ضائع؟-
  • They're wasted!
    إنهم في عِدَادِ الموتى
  • Medical waste.
    نفايات طبية
  • Waste him.
    ماجى أقضى عليه
  • I'm wasted!
    لقد أهدرتة
  • Motherfucking waste.
    يالها من خسارة
  • Any activity that consumes resources but creates no value for the customer. Most value-stream activities that actually create value as perceived by the customer are a tiny fraction of the total activities. Eliminating the large number of wasteful activities is the greatest potential source of improvement in corporate performance and customer service.