No exact translation found for "لاسمح الله"

  • Don't even mention it.
    لاسمح الله
  • Don't mention such misfortune.
    لاسمح الله
  • If god forbid...
    إذا لاسمح الله
  • I wouldn't let him.
    لم اكن لاسمح له بذلك
  • And the Gods forbid it rains.
    وإذا نزل المطر لاسمح الله
  • God forbid you'd gotten hurt.
    لاسمح الله لو أصابكِ ضرر
  • I wouldn't have let him.
    .ما كنتُ لأسمح له بذلك
  • I couldn't let him do that.
    و ما كنتُ لأسمح له بفعل هذا
  • Jax wants me to vote to let him go.
    يريد " جاكس " صوتي لاسمح له بالذهاب
  • I wouldn't let him call our love disgusting.
    لم أكن لأسمح له بدعوة حُبنا بالمقرف