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In case of haematopoietic illnesses (acute leukosis), thyroid gland illnesses (adenoma, cancer), diseases of other organs and malignant tumours, children and teenagers have the right to assistance as stipulated in article 7 of the present law.
وفي حالة الإصابة بأمراض تكون الدم (اللوكيميا الحادة)، والغدة الدرقية (الورم الغدي، السرطان)، وبأمراض تصيب أعضاءً أخرى وأورام خبيثة، يكون من حق الأطفال والمراهقين الحصول على مساعدة كما تقضي بذلك المادة 7 من القانون الراهن.
(b) 100 per cent of earnings to: Workers with a cumulative time in employment of eight years or more; Workers with two or more dependent children under 16 (if studying, under 18); Individuals wounded, injured or disfigured during the war in Afghanistan or the tragic events of January 1990 in the Lenkoran and Neftechalinsk districts of Baku, who suffered in the defence of the territorial integrity, independence and constitutional order of the Azerbaijani State; Individuals who participated in the defence of the territorial integrity, independence and constitutional order of the Azerbaijani State, relatives, widow(er)s and children of those who died in the course of those events, and the spouses of military personnel (including military personnel on fixed-term military service) who took part in the action; Individuals, including those temporarily sent or assigned over the period 1986-1990 to assist in the clean-up after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station within the evacuation zone and those helping during that period to operate or perform other duties at the power station, military personnel and conscripts subjected during that period to emergency call-up and detailed to perform clean-up-related work regardless of the nature of that work or where it was performed, and the leaders and rank-and-file members of Internal Affairs bodies who served in the evacuation zone; Persons suffering diseases of the haematopoietic system (acute leucosis), the thyroid (adenoids, cancer) or malignant tumours; Parents (one) who took part in the clean-up after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station or suffered as a result of that accident, irrespective of cumulative time in employment, in order to look after children under 14;
`5` الأفراد، بمن فيهم الذين أُرسلوا أو كُلِّفوا خلال الفترة 1986-1990 للمساعدة في أعمال التطهير بعد حادث محطة تشيرنوبيل لتوليد الطاقة النووية داخل منطقة الإجلاء، والذين ساعدوا أثناء تلك الفترة في القيام أو الاضطلاع بواجبات أخرى في محطة توليد الطاقة، والعسكريون والمجندون الذين حدث استدعاء لهم بصفة طارئة أثناء تلك الفترة وأُعيروا لأداء أعمال تتعلق بالتطهير، بغض النظر عن طبيعة ذلك العمل ومكانه، وزعماء هيئات الشؤون الداخلية وصغار موظفيها الذين عملوا في منطقة الإجلاء؛