  • Uh, he has An inguinal hernia,
    لديهِ فتقٌ إربي لكنّه لا يبدو مسبباً للانسداد
  • It's called an inguinal hernia -- very hard to detect.
    إنه يُدعى "فتق آربي" ومن الصعب اكتشافه
  • He refused an operation for his inguinal hernia and considered that, in his capacity as a medical doctor, he could cure himself.
    وقد رفض أن تُجرى له عملية جراحية لفتق أربي، واعتبر، بوصفه طبيباً، أن بإمكانه معالجة نفسه.
  • His request to go to a hospital to have surgery for his inguinal hernia and for medical examinations of his respiratory tract was also refused and the authorities replied that he could be visited by a medical doctor at home.
    ورُفض أيضاً طلبه دخول مستشفى للخضوع لعملية لعلاج فتقه الأربي ولإجراء فحوصات طبية لجهازه التنفسي، حيث ردت السلطات بأنه يمكن له أن يستقبل طبيباً في بيته.
  • 2.7 Informed that there were very good specialists in Switzerland for that kind of injury, the author travelled to Geneva in April 1996, where he had a medical check-up at the Hospital Cantonal. Doctors recommended an active treatment of the varicose veins and of an inguinal hernia by way of sclerotherapy.
    2-1 بتاريخ 1 أيار/مايو 1998، أُلقي القبض على صاحب البلاغ ووضع في سجن كولواني في ماكاو للاشتباه في اشتراكه كفاعل معنوي في محاولة اعتداء مزعومة على مدير الشرطة القضائية في ماكاو.