  • You're conspiring against us!
    يحيى في العربية
  • Of conspiring against you.
    .بالتآمر ضدكِ
  • You conspire against me.
    تتأمرين ضدي
  • Conspiring against your own father!
    !تقومين بمؤامرة ضد والدكِ؟
  • You believe I'm conspiring against my husband.
    أنت تصدق أننى ضد زوجى
  • You conspire against an old man.
    .أنتَ تتآمر على رجل عَجوز
  • It sounds like we're conspiring against him.
    كما لو أننا نتآمر ضده
  • Kings who conspired against one another,
    وملوكا يتآمر أحدهم على آلآخر
  • Kings who conspired against one another.
    وملوكا يتآمر أحدهم على آلآخر
  • That you were conspiring against my father.
    انكَ كنت تتقامر ضد والدي