  • It's put me quite out of balance.
    .جعلني ذلك أفقد توازني
  • It's put me quite out of balance.
    أبعدني هذا عن التوازن
  • It's gonna put us all out of balance. So.. We need to had that typed before we launch.
    ستفقدنا التوازن و لذلك يجب أن نسويها قبل البدأ
  • I mean, if things aren't right with the family, things aren't right with the finances or something's off; it's gonna put us all out of balance, so we need to have that tight before we launch.
    لو أن هناك مشكله بالأسره أو مشكله ماليه ستفقدنا التوازن و لذلك يجب أن نسويها قبل البدأ