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Secondary Studies at the «Lycée franco-hellénique d'Athènes Saint-Joseph ».
أتمت المرحلة الثانوية بمدرسة ”سانت جوزيف“ الفرنسية اليونانية بأثينا، وتخرجت في عام 1968 (بتقدير ”جيد جدا“).
Member of the Executive Committee of the Hellenic Institute of Foreign and International Law and member of the Drafting Committee of the Revue hellénique de droit international (R.H.D.I.
عضو في اللجنة التنفيذية للمعهد الهيليني للقانون الأجنبي والدولي وعضو لجنة تحرير المجلة الهيلينية للقانون الدولي
Les Amitiés Belges de Monaco: Its purpose is “to maintain friendly relations among all its members and their families; to come to the aid of Belgians in distress living in the Principality of Monaco; to contribute to all actions that could constitute patriotic acts of generosity”; Communauté Hellénique de Monaco: Its purpose is “to maintain friendly relations among all its members and their families, including for the purpose of organizing cultural evenings and matinées, and various events; to come to the aid of Greeks in distress living in the Principality of Monaco; to contribute to all actions that could constitute patriotic acts of generosity”; Ireland Fund of Monaco: Its purpose is “to organize events designed to publicize the charitable aims of the Association; to enable the principal foreign benefactors to stay in the Principality of Monaco on the occasion of specific events; and, generally, to foster and facilitate exchanges among all Irish communities and organizations without seeking any gain and for the purposes of mutual understanding”; Monaco-Ireland Arts Society: Its purpose is “to bring together Irish nationals and friends of Ireland with a view to promoting cultural links”; Scottish Dance Group: Its purpose is “to promote Scottish traditions through social interaction among its members and through the teaching, practice and performance of traditional Scottish dance”; Association Philippine de Monaco: Its purpose is “to bring together the members of the Filipino community in Monaco; to provide the members of the Filipino community and visitors to the Principality from the Philippines with the assistance of the said community; to promote and encourage Filipino culture and traditions among its members”; Union des Français de Monaco: Its purpose is “to bring together French nationals in the Principality of Monaco with a view to maintaining their links with the motherland, defending their moral and material interests, and participating in all patriotic, intellectual or economic activities that are likely to favour French expansion”;
النادي الكندي في موناكو: يهدف إلى "جمع شمل أعضاء الجالية الكندية في موناكو وأصدقائهم وتنمية علاقات الصداقة والروابط الثقافية والفنية والاجتماعية والسياحية والرياضية بين أعضائها ومع سائر الجمعيات، وإلى تعزيز وتشجيع الثقافة والتقاليد الوطنية وتقديم جميع أشكال المساعدة أو العون الضروريين إلى أعضاء الجالية الكندية وإلى زوار النادي، كما تهدف إلى تسهيل التبادل والاتصالات الوثيقة بين أعضاء الجالية الكندية وإمارة موناكو والمساهمة، بحكم طبيعتها، في تعزيز مكانة الإمارة وإشعاعها على الصعيد الدولي".