  • We funded research for a Consumer Panel in an effort toensure “equality of arms.”
    ولقد قمنا بتمويل بحث لصالح لجنة من المستهلكين في محاولةلضمان "تساوي الفرص".
  • If the Consumed Goods were not in fact consumed, the Panel has sought to ascertain the value (if any) they retained at the end of the emergency period; /
    يلتمس مطالبان اثنان في الدفعة الثانية(12) تعويضاً عما يلي:
  • Such delays are extremely time-consuming to the Panel and directly impede the overall workplan in an already time-constrained mandate.
    وتتسبب حالات التأخير هذه في إضاعة الكثير من وقت الفريق وتعوق على نحو مباشر الخطة العامة للعمل للنهوض بولاية تتسم أصلا بضيق الوقت.
  • If the Consumed Goods were not in fact consumed, the Panel has sought to ascertain the value (if any) they retained at the end of the emergency period; whether the Transferred Goods are accounted for in the claims of the Receiving Agencies including the extent to which they replaced goods lost by the Receiving Agencies as a direct result of Iraq's invasion and occupation of Kuwait; whether the assertion that the Transferred Goods replaced goods of a similar nature lost by the Receiving Agencies as a direct result of Iraq's invasion and occupation of Kuwait is sufficiently supported by the evidence presented; and whether the items constituting the Exceptional Purchases retained any value at the end of the emergency period and, if so, what account is to be taken of such value.
    (ب) ما إذا كانت السلع المحوّلة قد وردت محاسبياً في مطالبات الوكالات المتلقية(35)، مع تبيان مدى إحلال هذه السلع محل السلع التي فقدتها الوكالات المتلقية كنتيجة مباشرة لغزو العراق واحتلاله للكويت؛