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The Pyramid of Light?
هرم النور
Reveal Trap Card. Pyramid of Light.
أظهر كرتى السحرى هرم النـــور
What? The Pyramid of Light wasn't destroyed?
ماذا؟ هرم النور لم يدمر
This says, it's called the Pyramid of Light.
انه يدعى هرم النــــــــور
Yeah, they took the mummy and the Pyramid of Light.
اه لقد اخذوا المومياء و هرم النور
So the Pyramid of Light is more than just an ancient artifact. It's also a card.
هااااا هرم النور ليس مجرد قطعه أسريه ولكنه كرتا ايضاً
That blue one looks like the Pyramid of Light I saw at the museum.
هذا الازرق يشبه هرم النور الذى رايته بالمتحف
Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon sacrifice yourself - - and destroy the Pyramid of Light.
ايها التنيين اللامع ضحى بنفسك و دمر هرم النور
The Pyramid of Light endures because I will it, so great is my power.
هرم النور انا اريده لتجميع قوتى
With the Pyramid of Light at my command - - there's nothing you can do to stop me.
طالما هرم النور تحت قيادتى لا شىء سيوقفنى