NEU: Textübersetzung in den verschiedenen Dialekten; syrisch, irakisch etc. ..., Textkorrektur, GPT Fragen stellen. propiere es mal aus!
Emergency health care; Curing of contagious diseases; Curing of acute and chronic illness in life-threatening cases and conditions; Health care for children under 15; Health care for pupils and students (youth); Diagnostics and curing of endemic nephropathy; Curing of cancer and insulin-dependent diabetic patients; Health care for women during pregnancy and maternity; Social welfare for mentally disordered persons; Health care for patients suffering from progressive neuromuscular illnesses, such as paraplegia, quadriplegia, cerebral paralysis and multiple sclerosis; Health care for citizens over 65; Treating narcotics-addiction; Blood donation services.
- الرعاية الصحية للمرضى الذين يعانون من الأمراض العصبية العضلية التدريجية، مثل الشلل النصفي، والشلل الرباعي، وتصلب الأوعية والأعصاب المتعدد؛