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I'm the only one he'll deal with. He's well-connected and high-strung.
جه فىًéَôههôلé. ¸÷هé نéلَُينفَهéٍ. إكيلé يهٌُéêüٍ.
I'm the only one he'll deal with. He's well-connected and high-strung.
أنا من سيتعامل معه، إنه حسن التعامل وعالي الوتيرة
I'm the only one he'll deal with. He's well-connected and high-strung. - Call INS, Frank.
أنا من سيتعامل معه، إنه حسن التعامل وعالي الوتيرة
Yeah, well, Lauryn ward never strung him up in a barn and pummeled him with a mallet
نعم، حسناً، "ورين وارد" لم يعلق ويضرب بمطرقة في الحظيرة