تأثير خط الشاطئ {على انتشار الأمواج الكهرمغنطيسية}
  • Given that over a third of the world's population lives in coastal zones within 100 km of the shore, the effects on human settlements could be highly disruptive.
    وبالنظر إلى أن أكثر من ثلث سكان العالم يعيشون في المناطق الساحلية في نطاق 100 كم من الشاطئ، فإن الآثار على المستوطنات البشرية يمكن أن تكون مدمرة للغاية.
  • As part of a long-term strategy to promote the closure of pirates' shore bases and effectively monitor the coastline, I therefore recommend that Member States consider strengthening the capacity of the Coastguards both in Somalia and the region.
    وكجزء من استراتيجية بعيدة المدى لتشجيع إغلاق قواعد القراصنة على الشاطئ ومراقبة الخط الساحلي مراقبة فعَّالة، أوصي بأن تنظر الدول الأعضاء في تعزيز قدرة خفر السواحل في كل من الصومال والمنطقة.
  • performing of one single operation with financial resources in cash or performing of more operations in cash in circumstances which emphasize the absence of relationship between these operations and economical activity of the client; deposition on the account or money transfer by a natural or corporate person of an amount in cash when exists a reason to consider that, judging on the sphere of activity of the person and on other circumstances, the amount deposited or transferred is in disagreement with incomes and patrimonial situation of the person; transfer and receipt of financial resources in cash by a natural or corporate person which usually performs deductions by checks or money orders; possession by a client of a bank account with no tangents to his economical activity, to which are transferred money in amounts exceeding reporting limits; transfer to the account of a client of financial resources, made in checks, from different natural or corporate persons with whom he has no contractual or production relations; deposition on the account of financial resources declared as an income, which is not natural for the client; buying or selling of personal values in circumstances which denote the suspicious character of the financial operation; acquisition in cash of personal values by legal entities; operations with money checks or other instruments emitted for a bearer; operations in which one of the parties is a resident of an off-shore zone, or operations effected through accounts of off-shore banks; operations performed through companies and/or banks from countries which does not have legal standards against money laundering or have but inadequate in this sense, or represent an increased risk because of the high level of criminality and corruption, as well as operations performed with residents of these countries; request for a credit which is guaranteed by a document certifying the existence of deposits in foreign banks, in case when there are information about suspicious character of the deposits.
    (ك) العمليات التي تُجرى من خلال شركات و/أو مصارف في بلدان ليس لديها معايير قانونية لمكافحة غسل الأموال، أو التي تكون المعايير لديها غير كافية بهذا المعنى، أو التي تمثل خطرا متزايدا، لارتفاع مستوى الجريمة والفساد فيها، والعمليات التي تجرى مع مقيمين في تلك البلدان؛