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She sees trouble and she wants to help out, and I guess one of these dogs clamped his jaws on her forearm and wouldn't let go until the fireman showed up and stuck his finger in his ass.
وأظن أن واحداً من الكلبين غرس أنيابه ...في ذراعها، ولم يفلتها ...حتى هرع رجل إطفاء للمساعدة !وإضطر لإيلاج إصبعه في فتحة شرجه
She sees trouble and she wants to help out, and I guess one of these dogs clamped his jaws on her forearm and wouldn't let go until the fireman showed up and stuck his finger in his ass.
،أحد الكلاب غرز أنيابه في ساعدها ،ولم يتركها حتّى ظهر عامل إطفاء .وتعيّن عليه إقحام إصبعه في مؤخرته