الجديد: ترجمة النصوص للهجات المختلفة، كاللهجة السورية والعرقيه ألخ ...؛ ضبط النصوص وتصحيحها، الإجابة على الأسئلة باستخدام تقنية الذكاء الصناعي
لا توجد نتائج مطابقة لـ
"slip away"
~ I felt the light before. ~ But I let it slip away ~ And I just keep on believing that it'll come back some day ~ It's not the spotlight ~ It's not the candlelight ~ It's not the streetlights ~ Just some old street of dreams ~ It ain't the moonlight ~ Not even the sunlight ~ But I've seen it shining in your eyes and you know what I mean
~ أحسست الضوء قبل ذلك ~ لكنّي جعلته يذهب ~ وأنا فقط أستمرّ بالإعتقاد بأنّه سيرجع يوما ما
~ I felt the light before. ~ But I let it slip away ~ And I just keep on believing that it'll come back some day ~ It's not the spotlight ~ It's not the candlelight ~ It's not the streetlights ~ Just some old street of dreams ~ It ain't the moonlight ~ Not even the sunlight ~ But I've seen it shining in your eyes and you know what I mean
"شعرت بالضوء من قبل" "لكني جعلته يذهب" "وبقيت أؤمن"