  • huntington's disease?
    قلت لك لا اريد
  • huntington's disease?
    انا اسف لكن ذلك
  • She has Huntington's Disease?
    لديها مرض (هانتينقتن)؟
  • I have huntington's disease.
    "أنا مصابٌ بداء "هانتنغتون
  • I have Huntington's Disease.
    "أنا مصابٌ بداء "هانتنغتون
  • He had Huntington's Disease.
    "لقد كان لديه مرض "هنتجتون ...إنه
  • He had Huntington's disease.
    لقد كان مصابا بمرض هنتنغتون
  • She has Huntington's disease?
    لديها مرض (هانتينقتن)؟
  • He had Huntington's disease. It's...
    "لقد كان لديه مرض "هنتجتون ...إنه
  • Her passion was Huntington's disease.
    " شغفها كان مرض " هانتينتون